Bill and jeri muse knoxville
Bill and jeri muse knoxville

"Dee Flowers Rhodes Ancestors" on Rootsweb WorldConnect Project, Dee Flowers Rhodes."Debbie's Genealogy Page" on Rootsweb WorldConnect, Debbie Parsons.

bill and jeri muse knoxville

  • "David Johnston Family" database on Rootsweb WorldConnect, David T.
  • "Dana's Family Collections" from WORLD CONNECT, Dana Thomas,.
  • "Crimmins of Mississippi" database on Rootsweb WorldConnect, Pamela Durrell.
  • "Cornwall, Earl Richard, and the Baron's War", English Historical Review, Feb 2000, by Mark Page.
  • "Comstock Family in America", John Adams Comstock, Los Angeles, California: Commonwealth Press, 1949.
  • Salley, Jr, The South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine" Vol 1, pp 103-104 Miles Brewton and Some of His Descendants", A.
  • "Coker-Nichols Family Tree" on Rootsweb WorldConnect, Christin M.
  • bill and jeri muse knoxville

    "Cody Hayes Gedcom" - Database on WorldConnect Project, Beth Cody.Gilmore Shannon, Ann Pickens Collins and Louise Gill Knox, Co-Editors, The Taylor Publishing Company, Dallas, Texas, (C) 1982 "Chester County Heritage History", Articles by Wm."Chester County Heritage History", Article by David Gardiner Phillips IV, pages 355-56, Ann Pickens Collins and Louise Gill Knox, Co-Editors, The Taylor Publishing Company, Dallas, Texas, (C) 1982."Charles Lewis (of The Byrd) Ancestors and Descendants" database on Rootsweb WorldConnect, John B."Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1800", Nell Marion Nugent, 975.5 N967 VA, 1934."Carroll Family" database on Rootsweb WorldConnect, Joann Fairbourn."Car(r)away Family News Quarterly, Vol 2, #4, p.Stevens, 1990,LOC# 85-71334, A Genealogy of the Catawba River Valley of South Carolin "Buckmaster, Holmes, Lanier & Thurber Family Tree" Rootsweb WorldConnect, Laura Buckmaster."Brushy Fork Creek Baptist Church and Cemetery", Tingle/Guenter,."Brushy Fork Creek Baptist Church and Cemetery records including inscriptions, Guenther/Tindle,."Britton's Neck" database on Rootsweb WorldConnect, Dennis Shelley."Boone White and Associated Families-" database on Rootsweb WorldConnect, Boone White."Blount Family Genealogy Forum", online at.Roberts, Washington, DC (This is not a book but a chart) "Beverly's Genealogy" on Rootsweb WorldConnect, Beverly Pearson."Bethel Churchyard Cemetery", Chester Genealogical Soc., p 32."Bethel Churchyard Cemetary", Chester Genealogical Society, SC, p33."Bethel Churchyard Cemetary", Chester Genealogical Society, p32 GLENN Family FHC Film 0860447, p 1 gives 4 July 1843."Bendure Connectors" on Rootsweb WorldConnect Project, Jamie Bendure."Belliotts Gen Page" on Rootsweb WorldConnect, Brooks Elliott."basslong" database in WorldConnect Project, Leon Ward.

    bill and jeri muse knoxville

  • "Arthur Gowin Data Base", Kerry Fleckenstein.
  • Arslan 407 Highlands Lake Drive Cary, NC 27511-9167,
  • "Arcenaux, Campbell Family Tree" on Rootsweb WorldConnect, H.
  • "anthonyancestors" database on Rootsweb WorldConnect, Kathie Schwend.
  • "Anita's Obsession" database on Rootsweb Worldconnect, Anita Peterson.
  • "Anderson/Roach Family" database on Rootsweb WorldConnect, L.
  • "Ancestry of William Seaman Bainbridge", 1950, Bainbridge, A.
  • "Ancestry of John Dillard Bellamy", Janet H.
  • "Ancestors of Sean Duffie: database on Rootsweb WorldConnect, Sean Duffie.
  • "Ancestors of Phillip and Samuel Savoie", Jean C.
  • Mizzelll, http//:/users/m/i/z/Michael-R-Mizzell/GENE1
  • "Ancestors of Mary Lou Bennet" on FamilyTreemaker, Michael R.
  • "Ancestors of Illinois Ashtons", Samuel C.
  • "Ancestors of Don Lewis Morgan" database on Family TreeMaker, Don Lewis Morgan.
  • "Ancestors of American Presidents", Gary Boyd Roberts, Published by Carl Boyer, 3rd, Santa Clarita, CA, 1995.
  • "Ancestors and Allied Families of Judith Elaine McCormick Bowling", Judith Bowling.
  • "Allen Phillips" database on Rootsweb WorldConnect, James Phillips.
  • "A Journey to the Past", Oliver Aden Gore.
  • "A History of the Glen Family of SC and GA", J.G.B.
  • bill and jeri muse knoxville

    "A History of the Glen Families.", Dr."A History of the Fowler Family of Southeastern North Carolina", Richard Gildart Fowler."10214" database on Rootsweb WordlConnect, Kaye Tucker.".we were first taught by a teacher at the home, then we went to a nearby private school."""Genealogische verkenningen op het eiland IJsselmonde, Schiedam, Delfshaven en daarbuiten", Walter J." FROM COUNTY DOWN TO SOUTH CAROLINA" By Carroll Ruffin Patterson ( 1961).Descendancy Charts And Letters / Ross, Mary D.Correspondence To Patsey Cooley / E L Singleton.Onderstaand overzicht toont de bronnen, gegroepeerd per vindplaats, waarop de publicatie (mede) is gebaseerd.

    Bill and jeri muse knoxville